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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Thousands protest labor amendments

Protesters marching against the government’s draft amendments to the Labor Standards Act face the Executive Yuan at the direction of march organizers, along Zhongxiao West Road in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

Thousands of people yesterday marched from the headquarters of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to the Executive Yuan in Taipei, urging the Cabinet to withdraw its draft amendment to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法).


New Party suspected of trying to create paramilitary

An investigation into New Party Youth Corps members was launched because Wang Ping-chung (王炳忠) is suspected of attempting to create a paramilitary organization to destabilize Taiwan with financial backing from China, political and national security experts said yesterday.

Media personality and political pundit Clara Chou (周玉蔻) made the allegation during a talk show on Thursday, saying she had information that one of Wang’s family members recently received NT$5 million (US$166,845) in a bank account and she believes that the money came from China.


Seeing past China’s ‘rogue-like’ behavior

During his visit to Japan over the past weekend, former White House senior adviser Steve Bannon said that the US and its East Asian allies must unify to constrain China’s “frightening, audacious and global ambitions.”

The statement implies that Bannon has seen through China’s innate rogue status. Western so-called “China experts” with their belief that propriety, justice, honesty and honor are part of Chinese culture have been manipulated into assisting China’s rogue behavior.


Arrests not harbinger of White Terror

Media outlets are ablaze with accusations by the New Party that the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) orchestrated a “heavy-handed” 6:30am search of the apartments of four of its members.

Investigation Bureau officers on Tuesday raided the homes of New Party spokesman Wang Ping-chung (王炳忠) and members Hou Han-ting (侯漢廷), Lin Ming-cheng (林明正) and Chen Ssu-chun (陳斯俊), confiscating documents and devices, and taking them in for questioning.


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An uninflated airbag lies outside the Taipei apartment building from which Kuan Shu-ying jumped to her death on Saturday.
Photo: Wu Yueh-hsiu, Taipei Times

A 53-year-old woman in Taipei jumped to her death on Saturday morning, leaving behind a note accusing President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of incompetence and of showing no concern for the sufferings of people.

Kuan Shu-ying (管淑櫻) climbed to the rooftop of the apartment building where she lived on Xinsheng N Road in Taipei at about 4:45am on Saturday. Police and firefighters soon arrived on the scene after receiving telephone calls from onlookers concerned to find Kuan sitting on the roof’s parapet.