Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Government should stop firms selling out Taiwan

According to news reports, multinational hotel chain Marriott International Inc listed Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and Tibet as “separate countries” in an online customer questionnaire and this triggered the Chinese government to order that Marriott shut down its Chinese Web site and mobile application for a week as punishment. The hotel giant has by now issued three apologies for its mistake.

The US’ Delta Air Lines was also called out by the Chinese government for listing Taiwan and Tibet as separate countries. However, after its executives were summoned, the airline continued to list Taiwan, Thailand and Japan as separate countries in the Asia-Pacific region on its official Web site.


World conflict, peace and Taiwan

In what direction is the geopolitical world headed and what place does Taiwan have in it? What conflicts might be on the horizon? To understand this and related issues one has to step back a couple of decades and look at paradigmatic framing and development.

When political scientist Samuel Huntington published The Clash of Civilizations — as an article in 1992 and book in 1996 — he was responding to changes economic and otherwise. The Berlin Wall had fallen; the Cold War was over; and political scientist Francis Fukuyama was talking of the end of “ideological history.”


Taiwan, AIT cooperate on dissident

Chinese dissident Wang Rui is seen talking at a news conference in an undated photograph from the Epoch Times.
Photo: Internet screen grab

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs helped communicate between the National Immigration Agency (NIA) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) in the case of a Chinese dissident seeking political asylum in the US, an official said yesterday.


Chiang’s memory is not worth dwelling on

Many members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) have commemorated the 30th anniversary of former president Chiang Ching-kuo’s (蔣經國) death, and they want to use Chiang to promote unity within the KMT and raise public support for the party.

However, Chiang is an important reason for the sad lives of the KMT and all Taiwanese.

In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) used his planned counterattack on China as an excuse to establish martial law and prepare Chiang Ching-kuo to be his successor.


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Students Hsu Kuan-tse, left, and Chou Tzu-hsiang, accompanied by supporters, walk through downtown Taipei yesterday on the final leg of a nationwide walking tour to protest changes to high-school curriculum guidelines.
Photo: Weng Yu-huang, Taipei Times

Two student-rights advocates returned to the main site of protests over high-school curriculum guideline changes yesterday, completing a national walking tour to highlight the issue.

Hsu Kuan-tse (許冠澤) and Chou Tzu-hsiang (周子翔) led a parade of students and rights advocates in front of the Ministry of Education building for the final leg of the tour, shouting: “Reject black box procedures”; “Oppose brain-washing education”; and “Students are not idiots” as they marched in pouring rain to the ministry gates.