Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US Navy vessel carries out freedom of navigation exercise in South China Sea

A US Navy destroyer yesterday carried out a “freedom of navigation” operation within 12 nautical miles (22.2km) of an artificial island China has built in the South China Sea, US officials said, a move likely to anger Beijing.

Yesterday’s operation was the latest attempt to counter what Washington sees as Beijing’s efforts to limit freedom of navigation in the strategic waters.


China not the only option for Taiwanese

In addition to being crowned emperor, Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) has announced 31 incentives for Taiwanese. Advocates of adventurism and defeatists alike rushed to praise Xi’s move and accuse the Taiwanese government of bringing down Taiwan, as if Taiwanese talent and capital would never return and annexation were just around the corner.

On the other hand, the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network has published its World Happiness Report: Taiwan ranked 26th overall and No. 1 among Asian nations. China ranked 86th.


New US security adviser good for Taiwan: Young

US President Donald Trump’s appointment of John Bolton as his national security adviser might lead to more visits by high-level US officials to Taiwan, former American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) director Stephen Young said on Saturday.

In an interview with the Central News Agency, Young said the US government would try to have “more frequent visits and higher level visits” following the passage of the Taiwan Travel Act, which encourages Taiwanese and US officials at all levels to visit each other.


Prison prohibits Chen appearances at political events

Former president Chen Shui-bian, left, and his son, Chen Chih-chung, stand on stage at a campaign event in Kaohsiung on Saturday last week.
Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

Taichung Prison yesterday announced that it has banned former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) from attending events of a political nature after he breached agreements with the prison by taking the stage at a campaign event last week.


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A Chinese dissident seeking refuge in Taiwan accused President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) of failing to speak up for human rights in China and said he feared he could face a lengthy prison sentence, or worse, if deported back home.

Cai Lujun (蔡陸軍), a 53 year-old former businessman who escaped China disguised as a fisherman almost three years ago, spent more than three years behind bars in a Chinese prison after he posted a series of online articles criticizing Beijing’s leadership and blasting the Chinese Communist Party for what he called “holding fake elections.”