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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Chinese culture obstructing justice

Transitional justice was first discussed after Taiwan’s first transfer of political power following the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) defeat in the 2000 presidential election by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). However, it only became a viable political program when the DPP returned to power in 2016. President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration now needs to deliver on its promises.

During the 1990s, former South African president Nelson Mandela overturned white majority rule in South Africa and former Cape Town archbishop Desmond Tutu managed the transitional justice process through the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Minister calls on Kuan to come clean

Minister of Education PanWen-chung answers questions yesterday at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

Minister of Education Pan Wen-chung (潘文忠) yesterday called on National Taiwan University (NTU) president-elect Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) to respond to allegations that he had illegally worked in China, saying that Kuan’s appointment would not be approved if a government task force found the allegation to be true.


NPP surveys transitional justice committee nominees

The New Power Party (NPP) legislative caucus yesterday issued a survey for the nominees of the Executive Yuan’s transitional justice promotion committee, saying that their answers would be used as a reference for evaluating whether the candidates are suitable for the position.

After the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice (促進轉型正義條例) passed its third reading on Dec. 5 last year, the Executive Yuan on March 27 nominated former Control Yuan member Huang Huang-hsiung (黃煌雄) as the chairman of the nine-member committee, while a few other nominees were announced last week.


There can be no justice without truth

The Executive Yuan on Saturday announced its final nominees for the transitional justice promotion committee, proposing that prominent Taiwanese literature academic Yang Tsui (楊翠), Academia Sinica ethnologist Peng Jen-yu (彭仁郁) and former Taiwan Association for Truth and Reconciliation chief executive Yeh Hung-ling (葉虹靈) fill the remaining three spots on the nine-member committee, which would implement the measures set forth by the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice (促進轉型正義條例).

Among the nominees subject to legislative review and confirmation, committee chairman Huang Huang-hsiung (黃煌雄) has raised eyebrows among political observers.


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The latest US arms sale to Taiwan seems to show that the US security commitment to its ally in Asia is “wobbling,” an article in The Economist said yesterday, adding that Washington should continue to support Taiwan in the interests of cross-strait relations and Sino-US relations.

US President Barack Obama on Wednesday notified the US Congress of a US$5.85 billion package of arms to Taiwan that did not include the 66 F-16C/D aircraft Taipei was seeking and centered instead on upgrading its existing fleet of aging F-16A/Bs.

Titled “Dim sum for China: Why America should not walk away from Taiwan,” the article said that “Chinese objections made the deal less advantageous than it would have been.”