Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT’s rally at NTU a sign of its callousness

In the past few days, National Taiwan University (NTU) has been rocked by a series of demonstrations purportedly in support of upholding the school’s autonomy. Those who support NTU president-elect Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) have been holding gatherings on campus for some time.

On Saturday, former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) and other KMT heavyweights participated in one such demonstration.


‘Fifth column’ demands broad laws

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has been in office for nearly two years. Her government has introduced numerous reforms, including amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞基法) and reforms to the pension system. Newly enacted laws include the Act Governing the Handling of Ill-gotten Properties by Political Parties and Their Affiliate Organizations (政黨及其附隨組織不當取得財產處理條例) and the Act on Promoting Transitional Justice (促進轉型正義條例).

The Tsai administration has turned the economy around from the negative growth that prevailed under former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九). The growth rate has climbed month by month, reaching year-on-year growth of 3.04 percent in the first quarter of this year.


US reactivating its Atlantic 2nd Fleet to counter Russia

Chief of US Naval Operations Admiral John Richardson testifies before the US Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington on Sept.19 last year.
Photo: AFP

A top US Navy admiral has announced the re-establishment of the US 2nd Fleet — a Cold War command disbanded in 2011 — to patrol the North Atlantic and face a resurgent threat from Russia.


Airline threats will not work

The US Department of State on April 27 rebuked Beijing for the threats it made to two US airlines over the way they list Taiwan on their Web sites, saying: “We object to Beijing dictating how US firms, including airlines, organize their Web sites for ease of consumer use.”

China also threatened to hack the Web sites if the airlines failed to make the changes, but the department urged the airlines not to comply.


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Minister of the Interior Hsu Kuo-yung, right, talks to reporters in Hualien County yesterday after the government announced its intention to bar China Innovation Investment Ltd executive director Xiang Xin and his wife, acting director Kung Ching, from leaving Taiwan.
Photo: Wang Chun-chi, Taipei Times

Two executives of a Chinese company based in Hong Kong who have allegedly tried to influence Taiwanese elections were yesterday barred from leaving the nation following their detention at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport on Sunday.