Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Building a nation that is free from fake news

There have been reports about an oversupply of bananas, pineapples and dragon fruit — which will soon be in season — and collapsing prices. Pictures of bananas and pineapples being dumped have also appeared online. However, a closer look reveals that many of these photographs are either from China, or simply fake.

Spreading fake news about a price collapse could affect consumers’ choices, or even mislead them to think that they are being overcharged. Such fake news affects trading and hurts farmers’ incomes.


Tsai shows signs of Stockholm syndrome

Does the government have Stockholm syndrome? A little more than two years have passed since President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) took office. As well as repeatedly calling for maintaining the “status quo” in cross-strait relations, her administration has recently been promoting the idea of a meeting between Tsai and Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平).

The government’s words and deeds in this respect give the impression that its strategy has gone badly off course and it is starting to sink.


US signals its new approach to China

The US’ military maneuvers in the Taiwan Strait are symptomatic of its new approach to engagement with China in the region and beyond.

On Saturday last week, two US guided-missile destroyers transited the Taiwan Strait. Institute for National Policy Research executive director Kuo Yu-jen (郭育仁) on Monday said that the operation, far from being an isolated event, was part of the expansion of the US’ military presence in the region, meant to place checks on China’s bullying tactics and militarization of the South China Sea.


Teachers defend trip to Deng Nan-jung museum

Two elementary-school teachers yesterday defended their decision to take students on a field trip to the Deng Nan-jung Liberty Museum (鄭南榕自由紀念館) last month after a New Taipei City councilor last week reported them to the city’s Department of Education for “engaging in political activity.”

Lujian Elementary School teachers Weng Li-shu (翁麗淑) and Liu Fang-chun (劉芳君) on June 28 took their two classes to the museum to see a photography exhibition on the 228 Massacre.


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I have been detained for 118 days now. My personal freedom has been taken away by Ma Ying-jeou’s administration. The KMT government, attempting to cage my freedom of expression, has used detention as a mean to threaten and punish me. Yet I remain unafraid. I must stand tall and appeal to the world. I must protest and tell my story for the sake of freedom, democracy, human rights and justice in Taiwan. I believe that the verdict in my case was prepared long in advance and that my sentence has already been determined since such decisions are not really up to the prosecutors and judges who are merely following orders.