Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Military might pave road to peace

On Sept. 25, the US Department of Defense announced an arms sales package to Taiwan worth US$330 million. The package involves a five-year supply of spare parts to support Taiwan’s F-16, Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF) and F-5 warplanes, as well as C-130 cargo planes. The proposed sale is to take effect 30 days after official notification to the US Congress, marking the second such deal since US President Donald Trump assumed office.

It is worth noting that this sale mainly consists of individual items — different from the previous practice of selling a package solution — underlining the improvement in quality and quantity of Taiwan-US national defense cooperation.


Pandering to the KMT of no use

Double Ten National Day is the time of year when the ideologies of President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and her Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) are most rigorously scrutinized by the opposition, and this year was no exception.

People with a Taiwan-centric view already find it hard to stomach that the nation is still celebrating the founding of a regime that should have ceased to exist after the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lost the Chinese Civil War.


Time for EU to back Taiwan directly

In foreign policy we should act when we can stop something bad from happening without compromising our own morals, but do not expect the EU to assist Taiwan soon with regard to increasing Chinese pressure, because the EU’s Taiwan policies lack substance and it tends to focus on political statements with poor or no real political value.

The problem with the EU is well known. We are witness to the classic dilemma that the EU is an economic superpower with no coherent foreign policy. Consequently, its high ambitions in promoting human rights and democratic values cannot compete with Chinese trade and investments in Europe.


Thank you, my Taiwanese lodestars

My relationship with Taiwan dates back more than a decade. The children and youth of the nation love me like their father. For them, my wife, Sumedha, is mother.

Our bond of love gets stronger every time they visit us as volunteers at Bal Ashram, which is our long-term rehabilitation center for children rescued from slavery and exploitation.

Over the past 10 years, we have hosted tens of hundreds of volunteers from Taiwan and they are all family to me, my children at the Ashram and the entire Satyarthi Movement.


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DHARAMSHALA, January 15: In new military directives issued by the Chinese government for the year 2013, the largest army in the world has been told to prepare for war and bolster its ability to win a battle based on rigorous training on an actual combat basis.

The directive was made public in a military newspaper, People's Liberation Army Daily, which referred to a training blueprint issued by the PLA's Department of the General Staff for the entire force. The directive comes amid heightened tensions between China and Japan over territorial disputes in the East China Sea.