Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Recognize Taiwan as the country it truly is

A high-ranking member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) visited my office for a friendly discussion about the numerous difficulties in US-China relations. We talked about a number of issues — some of them very difficult — but even in that informal setting, Taiwan was a non-negotiable “core interest” of the party, with no place in the discussion.

The US should no longer accept these terms when talking to China. If we accept the false narrative that Taiwan is somehow “off-limits,” we are implicitly accepting the party’s lie that Taiwan’s status is a domestic matter, and we are contributing to Taiwan’s marginalization.


HUAWEI WOES: Minister vows removal of tech

Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tze-cheng, who chairs the Public Construction Commission, speaks at a meeting of the Legislative Yuan’s Transportation Committee in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Any equipment made by Huawei Technologies Co (華為) or ZTE Corp (中興) is to be quickly eliminated after a review of past government procurement cases, Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tze-cheng (吳澤成), who chairs the Public Construction Commission, said yesterday.


Stand up for human rights and protect one another

Seventy years ago today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. From that day on, human respect, equality and dignity were no longer the privilege of the few, but fundamental rights of all.

Throughout the past seven decades, human rights defenders around the world stood up, raised their voices and fought for the principles enshrined in the Declaration. It is because of the courage and perseverance of these brave and visionary people that we are able to enjoy the rights we have today.


KMT seeks to eliminate transitional justice purse

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislative caucus yesterday issued a notice in a bid to eliminate the budget for the Transitional Justice Commission at a review tomorrow.

“The alleged breach of neutrality seen in the incident involving [former commission chairman] Chang Tien-chin (張天欽) exposed the commission’s positioning as an ‘Eastern Depot,’” the notice said, referring to a Ming Dynasty-era secret police and spy agency.


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Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators push through a police line at the entrance to the legislative chamber in Taipei yesterday afternoon.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

All legislative caucuses have said that they are open to discussing naming issues concerning the national carrier China Airlines (CAL) and the nation’s passport cover at cross-caucus negotiations today to set the agenda for the next provisional legislative session.