Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Research on Taiwan merits local recognition

The Taiwanese are an outstanding people, they just do not know it. Centuries of colonial education have kept Taiwanese from forming and recognizing their own identity and establishing a Taiwanese subjectivity.

It was not until 1997 that the class “Understanding Taiwan” (認識臺灣) was added to the junior high school curriculum, introducing students to the study of Taiwanese society, history and geography. Previously, most Taiwanese had very limited knowledge about Taiwan’s history, culture and core values.


Labor insurance needs bold reforms

When the Executive Yuan submitted its most recent draft amendments to the Labor Insurance Act (勞工保險條例) to the Legislative Yuan for review in April 2017, it said that the government would subsidize the Labor Insurance Fund by NT$20 billion (US$651 million at the current exchange rate) every year to improve the labor insurance program’s financial situation.

The bills also included other measures to keep the fund afloat for several more years, such as raising insurance premiums by 0.5 percentage points every year until they reach 12 percent of insured people’s salaries. They would expand the scope of the insurance by 12 months each year, with payout in the case of inability to work to eventually be based on the person’s highest monthly salary in the previous 15 years, up from five years.


Three new measles cases: CDC

Three more cases of measles have been confirmed in Taiwan, bringing the total to 11 since the beginning of this year, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said on Friday.

The three new cases include a woman in her 20s who came in contact with a measles patient living in northern Taiwan, which was confirmed as an imported case from Vietnam on Jan. 16, as well as two imported cases: a man in his 30s from Haiphong, Vietnam, and a seven-year-old girl from Manila, the agency said in a statement.


UK legislators fight for Taiwan name

UK legislators Dennis Rogan, left, and Nigel Evans, cochairs of the British-Taiwanese All-Party Parliamentary Group, are pictured in undated photographs.
Photo: Wikipedia

A group of UK legislators urged a UK-based English-language proficiency test company to correct the designation of Taiwan on its Web site, which implies that the nation is part of China.


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Taipei mayor-elect Ko Wen-je paints eyes on Japanese daruma dolls — used for good luck — at a thank-you event for campaign workers at his former election headquarters in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

Independent Taipei mayor-elect Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday renewed his call for the release of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) due to his medical condition, adding that he will pay a visit to the imprisoned Chen before being sworn in later this month.