Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan must prepare for new era

Lift the veil of ambiguity and we will suddenly become bright and cheerful to notice the graceful and beautiful figure of Formosa. It turns out that Taiwan was permanently ceded to Japan by the Qing Emperor on April 17, 1895. There was no affiliation between the two.

On Sept. 5, 1951, John Dulles — then a former US senator who would later become US secretary of state — spoke at the San Francisco Peace Conference. He clearly informed the world that the Pacific War had been prolonged for six years because of the awkward environment in the international community.


Taiwanese can see through China

Beijing has repeatedly appealed to the emotions of Taiwanese, seeking to convince them that by speaking a similar language, sharing folklore festivities and having common kinship, people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are all “descendants of the legendary emperors Yan and Huang” (炎黃子孫) and must therefore be bonded together in a “great motherland” called China.

If it only knew how its actions have undermined its popularity with Taiwanese, as it has managed only to enforce the belief that the two sides of the Strait are worlds apart.


‘No support’ for referendum, AIT says

Former minister of national defense Michael Tsai, right, calls for amendments to the Referendum Act at a news conference organized by the Formosa Alliance in Taipei on Jan. 31.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) yesterday said it does not support a referendum on Taiwanese independence, after a former AIT chairman penned an open letter advising against the proposed plebiscite by pro-independence group Formosa Alliance.


Flight turned back over Taiwan issue

Passengers board an Air New Zealand flight at Christchurch International Airport on Sept. 20, 2017.
Photo: AP

An Air New Zealand flight on its way to Shanghai was forced to return to Auckland after several hours in the air on Saturday because paperwork for the flight included a reference to Taiwan, news Web site Stuff reported, citing people familiar with the matter.


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Taiwan New Constitution Foundation executive director Lin Yi-cheng, right, speaks at a forum in Taipei yesterday as foundation director Huang Di-ying, center, and Kung Kwo-wei, chairman of Tamkang University’s Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies, left, look on.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

Experts at a forum organized by the Taiwan New Constitution Foundation in Taipei yesterday compared constitutional reform efforts in Chile and Taiwan, saying that the Legislative Yuan’s newly formed committee on the issue would “accomplish nothing.”