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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Pentagon budget focuses on threat posed by China

The Cloud Shadow uncrewed aerial vehicle is displayed at the China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition in Zhuhai, China, on Nov. 6 last year.
Photo: AP

Chinese bombers. Chinese hypersonic missiles. Chinese cyberattacks. Chinese anti-satellite weapons.

To a remarkable degree, the Pentagon budget proposal for next year is shaped by national security threats that Acting US Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has summarized in three words: “China, China, China.”


DPP keeps seats, KMT loses one in by-elections

A man casts his ballot at a voting station at a temple in Tainan’s second electoral district in yesterday’s legislative by-election.
Photo: Yang Chin-cheng, Taipei Times

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday retained two legislative seats, while the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lost one of the two seats it previously held in legislative by-elections held in four cities and counties.


Removing stains of Chinese culture

The nationwide local elections on Nov. 24 last year saw major losses for Taiwan’s pro-independence parties. One of the reasons for this setback is that some voters fell for then-Kaohsiung mayoral candidate Han Kuo-yu’s (韓國瑜) promise that they would get rich if he became mayor. Some of those people already regret voting for him.

Why did voters fall for Han’s promises so easily? Some observers put it down to a Taiwanese tendency to “love money and fear death.” These words were originally spoken by Shinpei Goto, who served as head of civilian affairs under the Japanese governor-general of Taiwan from 1898 to 1906.


DPP caucus calls for ban on China streaming media

Democratic Progressive Party legislators Yeh Yi-jin, left, and Cheng Yun-peng display information about video streaming services by Tencent Holdings and Youku Tudou at a news conference at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers yesterday called on regulators to block Chinese media corporations from establishing a foothold in Taiwan, after the Chinese-language Liberty Times (sister newspaper of the Taipei Times) reported that Tencent Holdings (騰訊) and Youku Tudou (優酷) plan to start offering local video streaming services in May.


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US President Barack Obama left on his debut presidential tour of Asia yesterday, seeking to revive the US' prestige as a regional power, on a trip much heavier on symbolism than diplomatic substance.

Obama will take a precious week out of his bid to enact an ambitious domestic agenda to show the region and a rising China that Washington is no longer distracted by crises elsewhere.