Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Fulfilling a promise to Aborigines

On May 5, 2016, the Council of Indigenous Peoples announced the Executive Yuan’s draft regulations governing the establishment of organizations for Aboriginal communities as public juristic persons based on the Indigenous Peoples Basic Act (原住民族基本法). The regulations are intended to enable Aboriginal communities to establish legal entities to allow them to gain the experience and ability needed to enhance their autonomy.

On Aug. 15 that year, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) visited Orchid Island (Lanyu, 蘭嶼) and reiterated the pledge to implement autonomy for Aboriginal communities and allow them to become legal entities entitled to exert their collective rights.


Han administration scores own-goal

The “launch” on Tuesday of a new maritime route between Kaohsiung’s Cijin District (旗津) and Wenzhou, China, took the nation by surprise. The move constituted aggression to some and a danger to others, but turned out to be a hoax.

The creation of a new “small three links,” if it were true, would have been foolish. The idea that someone could simply create a maritime route to China without being subject to the Maritime and Port Bureau’s rules defies common sense, but apparently the firm that held the launch ceremony thought it was possible.


National security concerns setback for Twin Towers

Investment Commission spokeswoman Yang Shu-ling, left, in Taipei yesterday announces the committee’s rejection of a bid by Hong Kong-based Nan Hai Corp to develop the Taipei Twin Towers project.
Photo: CNA

The Investment Commission yesterday rejected Hong Kong-based Nan Hai Corp’s (南海控股) application to develop the Twin Towers project in Taipei, citing national security concerns over capital with Chinese origins.


Still no action on refugee act

On World Refugee Day on Thursday last week, lawmakers and civic groups issued a reminder that Taiwan still does not have a refugee act.

First proposed in 2005, a refugee bill in 2016 finally made it past a first reading — but nothing has been done since.


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The Taiwan Braintrust yesterday displays a graph at a news conference in Taipei.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

A poll conducted by the Taiwan Braintrust shows that nearly 90 percent of the population would identify themselves as “Taiwanese” rather than “Chinese” if they were to choose between the two — and the percentage is even higher among those aged from 20 to 40.