Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The nation could better promote its successes

The phrase “grand external propaganda strategy,” which has gained publicity recently, refers to the overseas propaganda campaign that China has been pushing on the world since 2009.

Since taking power in 2012, Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) has increased campaign efforts. The effect has been most powerfully felt during the COVID-19 pandemic, as China is trying to use the media to turn its image from that of a “pathogen” into that of a “savior.”


Trade doors open as pandemic drags

The Nikkei Asian Review on March 21 reported that Japan is considering expanding membership of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) at a meeting in Mexico in August, as Tokyo looks to reduce its reliance on China given that the COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in unprecedented supply chain disruptions.

The report said that the Japan-led trade bloc might open up to more Asian economies, such as Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. That would be good news for Taiwan, which has long expressed a desire to join the pact, although the meeting could be postponed amid the pandemic.


Trump signs TAIPEI Act into law

US President Donald Trump speaks at a coronavirus task force daily briefing at the White House in Washington on Thursday.
Photo: Reuters

US President Donald Trump on Thursday signed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act of 2019 into law, before he talked with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) by telephone about the COVID-19 pandemic.


Fighting China’s lethal propaganda

On Tuesday last week, Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) said that he would ask government officials to assess the possibility of holding an online conference with international disease prevention experts to share Taiwan’s methods of limiting the spread of COVID-19.

Su was responding to a question by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Charles Chen (陳以信), who had said that Taiwan should capitalize on its first-rate disease prevention experts and experience to “show the world its loss for excluding [Taiwan] from the WHO.”


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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) yesterday said that it plans to invest more than NT$1.86 trillion (US$60.5 billion) on an advanced factory in Tainan to expand 3-nanometer chip capacity, after its plans to produce chips in the US triggered concerns at home over technology outflow and talent drain.

The world’s biggest contract chipmaker in 2018 said that it plans to spend NT$700 billion on a “giga-fab” in Tainan, dubbed Fab 18, to produce 5-nanometer chips, and establish a research and development (R&D) team. The company at the time said that it would reserve half of the facility’s space for the production of 3-nanometer chips.