Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

WHO demonstrates true motives

When US President Donald Trump pointed the finger at the WHO, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus did not face the music; instead, to distract from the mounting pressure, he groundlessly claimed that he was personally attacked by Taiwan with racial discrimination.

The outrageous accusation has stirred scads of uproar in vibrant Taiwanese society.


Virus Outbreak: Public support key to ‘zero’ cases: Chen

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center, gives an update on the COVID-19 pandemic at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo courtesy of Central Epidemic Command Center via CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported no new COVID-19 infections for a third consecutive day, thanking the public for cooperating with and supporting the center since its establishment 100 days ago.


Taiwanese is the new cool

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Sufin Siluko on Monday last week asked Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin (沈榮津) to speak Mandarin instead of Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) when explaining the government’s policies to bail out sectors and people affected by COVID-19, sparking criticism that he had treated the language with disdain.


Ian Easton On Taiwan: Quarantine China’s government

The type of behavior the Chinese Communist Party routinely demonstrates ought to disqualify any China under its leadership from calling itself a civilized country worthy of respect and favorable treatment by the United States. To the contrary, China should be isolated by America and other like-minded countries to the extent necessary to prevent more harm from coming to the global community.


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(From left to right) J P Sharma, co-convener of Core Group at Delhi, Vijay Kranti, Core Group’s national co-convener, and Lama Choephel Zotpa, National Co-convener, Core Group for Tibetan Cause addressing the press in Dharamshala on June 11, 2012. (Phayul photo/Norbu Wangyal)

DHARAMSHALA, June 11: At the conclusion of the three-day Fourth All India Tibet Support Groups Conference, organisers today said that Indian supporters will hold a massive rally for Tibet in the Indian capital New Delhi this coming February in commemoration of 2013 as the “Year of Tibetan Independence.”

“A massive rally will be organised in February in the Indian capital in which Indian Tibet support groups and supporters will actively participate,” Vijay Kranti, a long time Tibet supporter and one of the core conveners of the conference said. “We expect over one hundred-thousand supporters to take part in the rally.”