Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Opportunity knocks for new leader

Former British prime minister Winston Churchill famously said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” The COVID-19 pandemic presents Taiwan with an exceptional opportunity to find a new wave on which to catapult its economy, while helping protect the world from this and future pandemics.

The opportunity refers to making Taiwan a global leader in pandemic control. The challenges to reaching this goal are significant, but Taiwan is in an excellent position to pursue this rare opening and the rewards could be substantial.


Kaohsiung residents want end to tensions

We are now less than a month away from the vote to recall Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), scheduled for June 6. There has been a perceptible change on the ground in Kaohsiung in the dynamics of the campaign surrounding the vote.

This change has been in the shift from the mobilization of political forces to considerations and discourse surrounding the rational choice of individual residents. Unfortunately for Han, this shift is part of a tide that is going to be difficult to turn back.


Virus Outbreak: Taiwan marks 30 days of no local cases

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung, who heads the Central Epidemic Command Center, expresses his appreciation to local medical workers on International Nurses’ Day yesterday at a news conference in Taipei.
Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center

Yesterday marked the 30th day with no new local cases of COVID-19 infection in Taiwan, while 372 people have been removed from isolation after recovering, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said.


Unlikely TSMC will soon build in US

It is a risky bet for US President Donald Trump’s administration to push for building advanced semiconductor factories in the US due to growing fears about the US’ heavy reliance on Asia for chip supply and potential disruptions from uncontrollable factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


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A woman views an exhibition of works of art inspired by the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests at Taiwan Comic Base in Taipei on Wednesday last week.
Photo: Reuters

An alliance of pro-Taiwan organizations yesterday issued a joint statement calling for bipartisan support in the Legislative Yuan to change the nation’s official name, along with the names of government agencies, to draw a distinction between Taiwan and China.