Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Trump needs to deploy truth trap

US President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to end the China trade relationship that severely disadvantaged US businesses, workers and taxpayers. Once elected, he set about fulfilling that pledge with a combination of punishing economic sanctions, coupled with unstinting personal praise for Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平).

After two years of arduous negotiations, he succeeded in securing a landmark agreement that committed China to purchase a record amount of goods from US farmers and producers. However, the deal fell far short of achieving a structural reform of the Chinese economy.


US unveils possible torpedo sale

South Korean participants of the Indo-Pacific Landpower Conference on Wednesday watch screens showing participants from other nations, including Taiwan.
Photo: screen grab from Facebook

Just hours after President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) inauguration on Wednesday, the US Department of State’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced in Washington the possible sale of 18 MK-48 Heavy Weight Torpedoes to Taiwan.


Taiwan, Sweden showing the world

An article on the Nature magazine Web site reports that 22 scientists last month wrote to the daily Dagens Nyheter criticizing Sweden’s no-lockdown response to COVID-19. However, evidence-based analysis shows that a lockdown is not a one-size-fits-all strategy and Sweden is showing the world a sustainable way for everybody to fearlessly live with the virus, which is an inevitable situation that everyone must face and accept for a while.


Tsai should push for constitutional reform, NPP says

New Power Party Chairman Hsu Yung-ming, second left, legislator Chiu Hsien-chih, second right, and others take part in a news conference at the Legislative Yuan yesterday on suggested proposals for President Tsai Ing-wen.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) should launch a series of reforms during her second term, focusing on amending the Constitution and housing issues, the New Power Party (NPP) said yesterday.


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DHARAMSHALA, August 18: Amidst reports of five fatal self-immolations, major public demonstrations, and the death of two Tibetan protesters in the past two weeks alone, Chinese authorities in eastern Tibet continue with their repressive measures and arbitrary arrests.

On August 12, three young monks from the Gyalron Tsodun Kirti Monastery in the Barkham region were arrested from their quarters on unknown charges.