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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

DPP seeks to demote Sun Yat-sen at oath ceremonies

Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai on Aug. 24 leads the city government in his administration’s swearing-in ceremony.
Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

Three amendments proposed by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers, which would abolish government tributes to Republic of China (ROC) founder Sun Yat-sen (孫中山), on Friday passed their first reading at the Legislative Yuan, where they are expected to spark controversy among Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers, who have proposed their own amendments.


Leasing Pratas Islands to the US

On Thursday last week, a military-chartered supply flight operated by Uni Air from Kaohsiung to the Pratas Islands (Dongsha Islands, 東沙群島) in the South China Sea was forced to turn back on its way to the disputed islands.

The incident has been interpreted as Hong Kong interrupting regular flight plans by not issuing a notice in accordance with international protocols.


Arms sale sent for final pass at US Congress

A handout provided yesterday by Military News Agency shows army mechanics working on a military plane at an undisclosed base in Taiwan on Oct. 8.
Photo: EPA-EFE

The US Department of State on Wednesday approved US$1.8 billion in new arms for Taiwan and submitted the package to the US Congress for a final review in a move aimed at improving Taiwan’s self-defense capabilities against a long-threatened invasion by China.


KMT downfall a must for Taiwan

In a Facebook post on Wednesday last week, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City Councilor Hsu Chiao-hsin (徐巧芯) wrote: “The KMT must fall for Taiwan to improve.’ Allow me to ask the question again: Is this really true?”

It matters not how many times Hsu asks the question, my answer will always be the same: “Yes, the KMT must be toppled for Taiwan to improve.”


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The defection of Kaohsiung County Commissioner Yang Chiu-hsing (楊秋興) from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has shaken the opposition party, angered party leaders and accelerated calls for the DPP to do some soul-searching.

It has also caused many to wonder what exactly caused Yang, considered a rising political star, to break from the party he joined more than three decades ago.