Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

KMT still clinging onto myth about ROC

In a speech on Oct. 23, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairman Johnny Chiang (江啟臣) expressed the hope that the celebration of Retrocession Day would allow people to discuss and review the relationship between the Republic of China (ROC) and Taiwan, adding that the continued existence of the ROC is the only way to curb Taiwanese independence.

It is pretty obvious that all the talk about discussing and reviewing the relationship is just a smokescreen, and that the KMT’s main focus is to curb Taiwanese independence and safeguard the ROC.


Ko’s actions betray his declarations

A few days before the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) exhibition “The Secret South: From Cold War Perspective to Global South in Museum Collection” ended on Oct. 25, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Taipei City councilors Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) and Yu Shu-hui (游淑慧) launched a fierce attack on I-den-ti-ty (哀敦砥悌), a work by internationally renowned artist Mei Dean-E (梅丁衍), known as the “Father of Taiwan’s Dadaism.”

Lo and Yu said that the work — which uses humor to express the difficult diplomatic situation of Republic of China as a result of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) pressure — was “inappropriate” and could “incite xenophobia, or is intended only to give vent to people’s rage.”


Kissinger blindsided by Beijing

Former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger, 97, is still intellectually sharp enough to offer his insights on the security situation facing the world.

Last month, in a virtual talk with the Economic Club of New York, he turned his attention to the increasingly dangerous confrontation between the US and the People’s Republic of China. In his view, if the two powers do not find a way to manage their rising tensions, “we will slide into a situation similar to World War I.”


Ezra Vogel is on the wrong side of history

Ezra Vogel is a well-known figure in American academia.

For many decades he was a professor of social sciences at Harvard University, and in the 1970s and 1990s he was director of the university’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies.

His work primarily focused on China, Japan and Chinese-Japanese relations.

That is why it is surprising that he suddenly has some advice for President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) on how to conduct relations with China.


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Orsted president for Asia-Pacific Matthias Bausenwein speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Huang Pei-chun, Taipei Times

Orsted A/S yesterday said it plans to establish a NT$60 million (US$1.94 million) trust fund in Taiwan, in partnership with other wind power developers, to provide local suppliers with further training and qualifications, after the Danish firm’s board made its final investment decision on Tuesday.