Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US will not let Biden be a Xi lover

US President Donald Trump enjoys widespread support in Taiwan, because it is difficult to imagine any other US president pressuring Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) as directly and effectively as Trump has.

For the same reason, Hong Kongers would also have liked Trump to stay in office for a second term.

What about Chinese? Interestingly, Chinese liberal intellectuals and the “red second generation” — the offspring of Chinese Communist Party leaders — are united in their support for Trump. The difference between them is that liberals are worried about Xi obstructing China’s path to democracy, whereas the “red second generation” resent Xi’s monopoly hold on power.


F-16 goes missing off the east coast

An air force F-16A jet, number 6672, takes off from Hualien Air Base in Hualien County yesterday afternoon in a photograph taken by an aviation fan.
Photo: CNA

An air force F-16 jet went missing off the east coast of Taiwan last night, and search and recovery operations were ongoing as of press time, the Ministry of National Defense said.


China must not overtake the US

As expected, the US presidential election had several similarities to Taiwan’s presidential election in 2000.

My prediction has unfortunately come true. On Nov. 3, I published an op-ed titled “The US presidential election is a historical turning point” in the Liberty Times (the Taipei Times’ sister newspaper), reminding readers that the election in many ways would turn out to be very similar to Taiwan’s presidential election in 2000.


‘Strategic ambiguity’ might return under Biden

While there is no prospect of the US-China relationship returning to what it used to be, it is worth revisiting some of US president-elect Joe Biden’s stated views on the subject.

First, in 1999, Biden was a key figure in the opposition to the US’ Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, a bill that never became law. It would not be considered a controversial bill today — many of its provisions have been included in other laws.


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Tibetan writer Gudrup in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, October 4: In reports coming out of Tibet, another Tibetan man has set himself of fire today in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet, taking Tibet’s self-immolation toll to 53.

Sources from inside Tibet, using a popular phone interface programme, have said that Gudrub, 43, torched himself in Nagchu town in central Tibet at around 10 am (local time). He is believed to have passed away at the site of his protest.