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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Train accident injuries rise, death toll drops to 50

Workers use cranes and diggers to remove a train wreckage from a stretch of railroad in Hualien County yesterday.
Photo: Tu Chien-jung, Taipei Times

The number of people injured in a Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) train accident in Hualien County on Friday has increased to 200, the Central Emergency Operation Center (CEOC) said.


US, Australia discuss Taiwan defense

From left, Royal Australian Navy guided-missile frigate the HMAS Parramatta sails alongside the USS America, the USS Bunker Hill and the USS Barry in the South China Sea on April 18 last year.
Photo: Reuters

The US is undertaking “strategic planning” with ally Australia to consider potential joint responses to a war over Taiwan, US President Joe Biden’s top diplomat in Canberra said yesterday.


Taiwanese need strong statements

Leaders and citizens use slogans and phrases to capture the inspirational ideas and spirit that they feel their causes need during challenging and difficult times.

Texas settlers used the battle cry “Remember the Alamo” to inspire them as they fought to establish their republic.

Former British prime minister Winston Churchill addressed the needed heroic work of the Royal Air Force in a speech, saying: “Never have so many owed so much to so few.”


Recognizing Taiwan to stop China

After the US, Japan, India and Australia held a Quadrilateral Security Dialogue on March 12, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin traveled to Japan, South Korea and then India for talks.

On March 18, Blinken and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with Chinese Central Foreign Affairs Commission Director Yang Jiechi (楊潔篪) and Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi (王毅) in Anchorage, Alaska.

Although Taiwan is never given a seat at the table on such occasions, Blinken and Austin penned a joint statement, published in the Washington Post on March 15, in which they criticized China for “undercutting democracy in Taiwan.”


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Protesters gesture towards the Tsim Sha Tsui police station in Hong Kong during a march yesterday.
Photo AFP

Hong Kong protesters yesterday flooded the territory’s streets in defiance of a ban by the authorities on their march, setting up roadblocks and tossing firebombs amid the firing of tear gas by police.