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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

New local case is pilot’s son: CECC

Workers wearing medical coveralls collect samples from the Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport quarantine hotel yesterday as they investigate a cluster of COVID-19 infections connected to the hotel.
Photo: CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported one locally transmitted COVID-19 case, while viral genome sequencing has suggested a link between China Airlines (華航) pilots, their family members and workers at a quarantine hotel who contracted the virus.


Time to switch to strategic certainty

There is no ambiguity when it comes to war. Ambiguity begs for certainty and a lack thereof has historically led to war.

History is full of examples: Europe’s and the US’ ambiguity as to how they would respond to Hitler’s growing territorial expansion in Europe was certainly a contributing factor to World War II. In the same vein, US ambiguity toward Japan’s expansionist militarism in the 1930s clearly led to the Pearl Harbor attacks that started the war in Asia in 1941.


Nation sends oxygen machines to India

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu, second left, is pictured at a meeting of the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The nation is to ship 150 oxygen machines to India this weekend, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday, while confirming that talks are underway to conduct clinical trials of a domestically developed COVID-19 vaccine in Paraguay.


World leaders call for Taiwan at WHA

The US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs expresses its support for Taiwan’s participation in the upcoming World Health Assembly meeting in a post on Twitter yesterday.
Photo: Screen grab from Twitter

Lawmakers and world leaders on Tuesday joined a campaign using the hashtag #LetTaiwanHelp, calling for the nation’s participation in next month’s World Health Assembly (WHA).


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Eight-year-old Lin Su-chin, who was trapped in Tainan’s Weiguan Jinlong complex for 60 hours, yesterday drinks a Slurpee given her by Premier Simon Chang at Chi Mei Medical Center. Lin said after her rescue on Monday night that one of the things she wanted most was one of the drinks.
Photo courtsey of Chi Mei Medical Center

Search-and-rescue teams yesterday finished clearing away most of the above-ground levels of the collapsed Weiguan Jinlong complex in Tainan, as the number of bodies discovered amid the rubble rose rapidly.

At press time last night, 31 bodies were found overnight on Thurday and yesterday, bringing the total death toll from the quake in Tainan to 95.