Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Witch hunts hindering contact tracing

As the COVID-19 pandemic becomes increasingly severe, there have been several instances of people who tested positive for the disease hiding information from investigators during contact tracing. To ensure that all confirmed cases and their respective contacts tell the truth during contact tracing, people should stop encouraging witch hunts and ridiculing confirmed cases.

As the number of COVID-19 cases in Taiwan has been low, most people have looked at every case as exceptional. Under such circumstances, the public has focused on the movement of confirmed cases and speculated about their private lives as they tried to figure out how they had been infected. That approach does little to help the situation, and it could even punch a hole in the nation’s epidemic prevention armor.


Taiwan must choose war or peace

Some Taiwanese politicians have been saying that tensions in the Taiwan Strait are the result of provocations by the US and other Western countries supporting Taiwan and vilifying China.

A democracy guarantees freedom of expression, but it also has the right to protect itself, so here is a reproach to those politicians.

When domestic politics functions normally in a democracy, it is worth paying attention to public opinion polls. It is unlikely that the view of those politicians has entered mainstream public opinion.


COVID-19: Taiwan adds 321 new virus cases

Illuminated words of encouragement are displayed on the 85 Sky Tower in Kaohsiung’s Lingya District yesterday evening amid a nationwide COVID-19 outbreak.
Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday reported 321 new local COVID-19 infections and two deaths, while an additional 400 cases that had been delayed in reporting have been added to the daily confirmed cases reported from Sunday last week to Friday.


Vaccines vital to national security

The Ministry of Health and Welfare has handled the COVID-19 pandemic well, but now that the situation has changed, it still only continues to tell the public to wash their hands carefully, wear a mask and register wherever it is required to enter a place. Frankly speaking, if a baseball team only knew how to play a defensive game, it would never win.

When the pandemic began, the Cabinet grasped the importance of masks and hand sanitizers, immediately organizing a “national mask team” to start up mass production. As a result, Taiwan was quickly able to resist the first wave.


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The words “Taiwan in the EU and Belgium” and a logo featuring an outline of Taiwan are displayed yesterday on the Facebook timeline of the Taiwan Representative Office in the EU and Belgium.
Image copied from the Facebook timeline of the Taiwan Representative Office in the EU and Belgium

Several of the nation’s embassies and representative offices have updated their Facebook pages, adding “Taiwan” to their names and profile pictures to promote the nation.

The name change was advised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.