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Home Video Watch General Douglas MacArthur and the Taiwan Passport Controversy

General Douglas MacArthur and the Taiwan Passport Controversy

General Douglas MacArthur did not agree that the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan was transferred to China on Oct. 25, 1945, or that the native Taiwanese people were correctly classified as having the nationality of "Republic of China."

Nearly 65 years after General MacArthur made these remarks, the native Taiwanese are now beginning to wake up to the reality that their nationality status is incorrect, and that the mistreatment which they receive in the international community is (in large part) due to their misclassification as ROC Chinese.

In order to comprehend the related historical events in more detail, and to better understand General MacArthur's views on these subjects, our study group has done many months of research. The result is this video which all persons interested in Taiwan human rights issues should watch carefully.

Source: Youtube - twclarify

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US Vice President Joe Biden, who is expected to embark on a state visit to China in the middle of next month, will provide assurances to Beijing that the US has no plans to sell Taiwan the F-16C/D aircraft it is seeking, reports said yesterday.

During his visit, Biden will explain why the US President Barack Obama’s administration, facing pressure from US Congress and required to meet its obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act, would agree to upgrade Taiwan’s fleet of 144 F-16A/B aircraft, the Chinese-language news service DW News (多維新聞) reported, citing an unnamed “senior US official.”

However, Biden will reportedly tell his Chinese hosts that Washington has no plans to sell to Taiwan the 66 more advanced F-16C/D it has been seeking since 2006, the report said.