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Lawmakers pass transitional justice act

Formosan Political Prisoners Association honorary director-general Tsai Kuan-yu yesterday watches lawmakers review a draft law on transitional justice on a monitor in the legislative speaker’s reception room.
Photo: Huang Yao-cheng, Taipei Times

The Act on Promoting Transitional Justice (促進轉型正義條例), which aims to remove authoritarian-era symbols and retry cases of injustice from that era, was passed by the Legislative Yuan yesterday evening.


The time of pleasing China is over

On Tuesday LAST week the Yueyang City Intermediate People’s Court in China’s Hunan Province sentenced Taiwanese human rights activist Lee Ming-che (李明哲) to five years in prison for “inciting subversion of state power.”

Lee told Chinese media that he confessed to and regretted the offense, would not appeal the verdict and accepted the prison sentence.


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China-affiliated cyberattacks against Taiwan jumped in the 24 hours before Taiwan’s presidential and legislative elections on Jan. 13, a report released on Tuesday by US cybersecurity firm Trellix found.

The report titled Cyberattack on Democracy: Escalating Cyber Threats Immediately Ahead of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election said that malicious cyberactivity targeting Taiwan had jumped from 1,758 detections on Jan. 11 to more than 4,300 on Jan. 12.

The reason behind the activity and its success remains to be determined, the report said.