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Rights groups rally to commemorate Tibetan Uprising

Tibetan exiles and members of rights groups shout slogans and carry Tibetan snow lion flags as they march in Taipei yesterday to mark the 1959 Tibetan Uprising.

About 200 people yesterday marched in downtown Taipei to commemorate the 1959 Tibetan Uprising, calling for an end to China’s oppression of Tibet.


Envoy tells German firms to restore Taiwan’s name

Representative to Germany Shieh Jhy-wey (謝志偉) on Wednesday said he has written to several major German companies demanding that they stop listing Taiwan as part of China on their Web sites.

Shieh was referring in particular to Lufthansa and Mercedes-Benz, which have listed Taiwan on their English-language Web sites as “Taiwan, China,” as well as Bosch, which uses “Taiwan (China)” on its Web site.


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A Canadian warship passed through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday as part of what Ottawa called a commitment to an open Indo-Pacific region.

The Canadian Ministry of National Defense said the HMCS Montreal frigate had “recently conducted a routine transit” through the Strait.

The transit was a reaffirmation of Canada’s commitment to a “free, open and inclusive” Indo-Pacific region, Canadian Minister of National Defence Bill Blair said.