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Vatican denies deal is near with Beijing

Catholic clergy yesterday arrive for mass on Holy Thursday, ahead of Easter celebrations at Beijing’s government sanctioned South Cathedral in Beijing.
Photo: AFP

A historic deal between China and the Vatican on the appointment of bishops is not “imminent,” a Vatican spokesman said yesterday, contradicting a Beijing-approved bishop.


Emergency shutdown of reactor tripped in testing

The Guosheng Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City’s Wanli District is pictured yesterday.
Photo courtesy of Taiwan Power Co

The No. 2 reactor at the Guosheng Nuclear Power Plant which was restarted on Tuesday, tripped yesterday during testing, state-run Taiwan Power Co (Taipower, 台電) said.


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China has sentenced a respected Tibetan lama to eight-and-a-half years in jail for illegal land occupation and ammunition possession, possibly the first senior Buddhist leader tried on serious charges linked to riots in 2008 in the Tibetan capital, a lawyer said on Thursday.

A court in Sichuan Province, bordering Tibet, convicted Phurbu Tsering Rinpoche, who headed a convent in Ganzi, a predominantly Tibetan prefecture in the province, Beijing-based attorney Jiang Tianyong (江天勇) said.