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Kuan Chung-ming vows not to waver

Members of the Southern California National Taiwan University Alumni Association opposed to the association’s decision to invite Academia Sinica member Kuan Chung-ming hold a news conference in Los Angeles on Saturday to announce the founding of a rival association.
Photo: CNA

Academia Sinica academician and NTU president-elect Kuan Chung-ming (管中閔) yesterday reiterated that he will not back down from what he called a fight for National Taiwan University’s (NTU) autonomy against government intervention, in a speech at an annual gala held by the Southern California National Taiwan University Alumni Association in Los Angeles.


Progressive coalition eyes council seats

The Social Welfare State Front, a coalition of the Social Democratic Party, Taiwan Radical Wings and the Green Party Taiwan, holds a news conference in Taipei yesterday announcing its aim to win seats in Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Tainan and Kaohsiung in the Nov. 24 local elections.
Photo courtesy of the Social Welfare State Front

The Social Welfare State Front, a coalition of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Taiwan Radical Wings and the Green Party Taiwan, yesterday said it aims to win at least three councilor seats each in Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Tainan and Kaohsiung in the Nov. 24 elections, and to establish united party caucuses in the cities.


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A new study by Robert Kaplan — to be printed later this month in Foreign Affairs magazine — concludes that Washington and Taipei should work together to make the prospect of war seem “prohibitively costly” to Beijing.

“The United States could then maintain its credibility with its allies by keeping Taiwan functionally independent until China became a more liberal society,” Kaplan says.