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Sovereignty tops economy in poll

A graph displaying the results of an Academia Sinica survey presented on Friday shows that a majority of respondents placed national sovereignty above economic gains in cross-strait negotiations.
Photo: Chien Hui-ju, Taipei Times

A survey conducted by Academia Sinica has found that most respondents value Taiwan’s sovereignty over economic gains in cross-strait negotiations.


Fall armyworms spread into Hualien

Staff from the Taitung County Government Agriculture Department, the Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station and the Luye Township Office destroy a corn field affected by fall armyworms in Luye yesterday.
Photo: Wang Hsiu-ting, Taipei Times

With Hualien County yesterday becoming the latest area to be affected by fall armyworms that have been wreaking havoc on the nation’s farms, Kaohsiung as well as Nantou and Pingtung counties were the only areas still free of the pest, the Council of Agriculture said.


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Lawmakers from all political parties should support a proposed motion that would clarify UN Resolution 2758, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators told a news conference yesterday, but opposition party members later walked out of a cross-party meeting when the topic was raised.

DPP legislators Chiu Yi-ying (邱議瑩), Michelle Lin (林楚茵), Su Chiao-hui (蘇巧慧) and Puma Shen (沈伯洋) said that the news conference was held to “oppose China’s distortion of UN Resolution 2758 and call on all political parties to speak up for Taiwan.”

UN Resolution 2758 does not have anything to do with Taiwan’s sovereignty and international status, and Taiwan rejects China’s attempts to distort the truth, they said.