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China, Hong Kongers clash over protest

A policeman fires tear gas at protesters to disperse them after a march against a controversial extradition bill in Hong Kong on Sunday.
Photo: AFP

China yesterday slammed anti-government protesters vandalizing the walls of its representative’s office in Hong Kong and defacing the national emblem, branding their actions “absolutely intolerable.”


Tens of thousands march through HK, defying order

Protesters march in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: AP

Tens of thousands of Hong Kongers yesterday marched through the center of Hong Kong Island to the vicinity of government headquarters, ignoring a police-approved end point and defying a ruling that shortened the planned route.


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Taiwan continued to drop down the list of countries with a free press, a new global study on press freedom shows.

In a survey released on Monday by the Washington-based think tank Freedom House, Taiwan ranked 48th in the world in press freedom last year. It ranked 47th in 2009 and 43rd in 2008.

The nation scored a total of 24 negative points compared with 23 in 2009 and 20 in each of the previous three years.