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US weapons deal progressing

An F-16V jet lands on the runway in Changhua County during the 35th Han Kuang military exercises on May 28.
Photo: Sam Yeh / AFP

US President Donald Trump’s administration is moving forward with a US$8 billion arms sale to Taiwan of Lockheed Martin F-16 jets despite Beijing’s protests, the Washington Post reported yesterday, citing an anonymous official and other sources familiar with the matter.


NTU professors’ language rule draws groups’ ire

Taiwan Association of University Professors deputy chairman Chen Li-fu, third left, speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

Language rights advocates and academics yesterday stood up for students at National Taiwan University (NTU) who wish to speak their mother tongues, after two professors instituted a rule that school meetings must be conducted in Mandarin only.


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Data released by the Chinese National Bureau of Statistics on Friday showed that China’s GDP growth slowed to 6.5 percent in the third quarter, the lowest since early 2009. China’s growth faces increasing pressure from the US-China trade war, Beijing’s financial deleveraging and property curbs, the US Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes and a weakening yuan that is prompting capital outflows.

The People’s Bank of China has lowered its reserve requirement ratio four times to encourage lending and has urged banks to increase lending to cash-starved small companies, but Chinese media have reported that banks’ loan requirements for small firms and private companies remain stringent, and further reserve requirement reduction is expected.