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Constitutional Amendment Committee will ‘accomplish nothing,’ panel says

Taiwan New Constitution Foundation executive director Lin Yi-cheng, right, speaks at a forum in Taipei yesterday as foundation director Huang Di-ying, center, and Kung Kwo-wei, chairman of Tamkang University’s Graduate Institute of Latin American Studies, left, look on.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

Experts at a forum organized by the Taiwan New Constitution Foundation in Taipei yesterday compared constitutional reform efforts in Chile and Taiwan, saying that the Legislative Yuan’s newly formed committee on the issue would “accomplish nothing.”


US urges the WHO to invite Taiwan

The WHO logo is pictured at its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on Jan. 30.
Photo: Reuters

The US Mission in Geneva on Friday urged WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to invite Taiwan to a major meeting that the body is to host next week, with the focus expected to be on the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Japan yesterday loosened the bonds on its powerful military, proclaiming the right to go into battle in the defense of its allies, in a highly controversial shift in the nation’s pacifist stance.

After months of political horsetrading and browbeating of opponents, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said his Cabinet had formally endorsed a reinterpretation of rules that have banned the use of armed force except in very narrowly defined circumstances.