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Chen Hsing-yu suicide bid story denied

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s office yesterday dismissed a report that his daughter Chen Hsing-yu had attempted suicide last month after learning about a court order barring her from leaving the country.

The travel ban was imposed after she was questioned by prosecutors on June 22 about allegations of perjury. She had planned on traveling to the US to study.


DPP condemns use of force, Ma stays silent

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday issued a statement condemning Beijing for using force on protesters in Xinjiang and called on President Ma Ying-jeou to follow suit.

The DPP also called on the Ma administration to discuss democracy and human rights in cross-strait talks and make them prerequisites for improving relations with China.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 July 2009 08:44 ) Read more...

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Taiwanese-Americans hold banners as they protest against President Ma Ying-jeou as he hosted a dinner at the Grand Hyatt New York on Sunday night in New York City.
Photo: Nadia Tsao, Taipei Times

Several dozen protesters gathered outside the Grand Hyatt New York on Sunday night where President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) was hosting a private dinner during a brief stopover in the metropolis while en route to Paraguay.

The dinner was attended by members of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Taiwanese director Ang Lee (李安) and Chinese artist Cai Guoqiang (蔡國強).

Protest convener Lai Hong-tien (賴宏典), a dentist in the Manhattan area, said he had been unaware of Ma’s visit until Friday, adding that the rally had been hastily organized by a small number of people.