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Hong Kongers defy Beijing, cast votes in ‘illegal’ referendum

Hong Kongers cast ballots in an unofficial referendum on democratic reform yesterday, as booths opened across the territory in a poll that has enraged Beijing and drawn nearly 650,000 votes since it opened online.

Tensions are growing in the former British colony over the future of its electoral system, with residents making increasingly vocal calls to be able to choose who can run for the post of chief executive.


Students to mark pact’s anniversary

Leaders of student groups and other activists hold a press conference at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday to announce plans for an event outside the legislature compound tomorrow evening to mark the one-year anniversary of the signing of the cross-strait service trade agreement.
Photo: Chu Pei-hsiung, Taipei Times

Several student groups are planning to mark the one-year anniversary of the signing of the cross-strait service trade agreement with an event aimed at warning the government against another attempt to push through controversial bills during the Legislative Yuan’s current extra session.

The service trade agreement was signed in Shanghai on June 21 last year.

The deal had sparked strong objections even before the pact was signed and eventually led to a three-week occupation of the legislature’s main chamber earlier this year after the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) tried to rush the pact through the review process.


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The government has decided to establish a citizen judge system to ensure public participation in the judicial process after the National Congress on Judicial Reform failed to reach a decision on the issue.

A draft act for the new system is to be proposed next month.