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Rights activists rally against questioning

Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan convener Tsay Ting-kuei speaks outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday in defense of National Taiwan University student Hung Chung-yen and several others who took part in a demonstration outside the Zhongzheng First Police Precinct headquarters on April 11 and who were summoned for questioning about the protest yesterday.
Photo: Chien Lee-chung, Taipei Times

Civic and human rights groups yesterday rallied outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office as several participants in the April 11 demonstration outside Zhongzheng First Police Precinct headquarters arrived for questioning.

Activists from the Judicial Reform Foundation, the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, the Restoration of Taiwan Social Justice, Taiwan Forever and the Taiwan Association of University Professors held placards and flags, and chanted slogans accusing the government of acting unconstitutionally.


Ma should face prosecutors over MAC case: DPP

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday said President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) should report to Taipei prosecutors and explain the charges his administration has brought against former Mainland Affairs Council deputy minister Chang Hsieh-yao (張顯耀).

Prosecutors should also subpoena Premier Jiang Yi-huah (江宜樺), National Security Council Secretary-General King Pu-tsung (金溥聰) and Mainland Affairs Council Minister Wang Yu-chi (王郁琦), the DPP said.


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Participants toss a huge balloon as they attend a rally in front of the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday evening to mark the anniversary of the beginning of the Sunflower movement.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Multiple rallies were held across Taipei yesterday as the nation commemorated the first anniversary of the Sunflower movement, marking the day when student-led protesters first began to lay siege to the Legislative Yuan in the capital over the government’s handling of a proposed cross-strait service trade agreement.

The participants revisited demands made during last year’s landmark protests, in which activist groups occupied the Legislative Yuan’s main chamber for almost 23 days, while tens of thousands of demonstrators were encamped outside the legislative compound.