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Taiwanese, Hong Kongers identify less with China

In Taiwan and Hong Kong, residents are identifying less and less as Chinese — a trend that is troubling Beijing, according to a new study by American Enterprise Institute research fellow Michael Mazza.

“To young Hong Kongers, the city [territory] has always been part of China; to young Taiwanese, the idea that the island [sic] is part of China is an anachronism,” Mazza says in the study. “Given these differences, one might expect each community to relate to mainland China in very different ways — [but] one would be mistaken.”


Chen Shui-bian deserves parole for health: rally

Members of the Taiwan Democratic Human Rights Platform protest on Ketagalan Boulveard in Taipei yesterday over the government’s treatment of former president Chen Shui-bian.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

More than 100 supporters of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) marched through Taipei yesterday, highlighting their demand that the government uphold his human rights.

The protesters, led by a new activist group called the Taiwan Democratic Human Rights Platform, called for the government to grant Chen medical parole so he could receive treatment at home.

Last Updated ( Monday, 20 October 2014 07:36 ) Read more...

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Taiwan Foundation for Democracy president Hsu Szu-chien addresses the East Asia Democracy Forum on the theme of “preventing democratic backsliding” at the Grand Hyatt Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

Beijing’s “one China” principle is part of the Chinese government’s disinformation campaign directed at harming Taiwan, Open Culture Foundation deputy executive Wu Ming-hsuan (吳銘軒) said yesterday.