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Ma might face impeachment: lawmakers

President Ma Ying-jeou, right, confers with Premier Mao Chi-kuo, left, on Monday at the the Central Emergency Operation Center in Taipei.
Photo: Hsu Shen-lun, Taipei Times

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) might face an impeachment proposal after next year’s elections, as the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) could fail to secure a legislative majority, opposition lawmakers said.


KMT facing a potential split: sources

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) could face yet another crisis other than its dismal presidential campaign, as a group of pro-localization members are allegedly planning to form a splinter group to force KMT headquarters to respond directly to their calls for a change of candidate.

According to people familiar with the matter, the plan to establish a new party — which would be called the “Taiwan Chinese Nationalist Party Alliance” (台灣國民黨聯盟) — is spearheaded by several influential local members, including senior presidential adviser Liao Liou-yi (廖了以) and former Yunlin County commissioner Chang Jung-wei (張榮味).


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New Taipei City is shrouded in smog in a picture taken from Taipei across the Zhongxiao Bridge yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) yesterday initiated a second-level emergency command center as air pollution from Shanghai is expected to affect the nation’s air quality until tomorrow.