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Rally protests ‘deplorable actions’ of military police

A coalition of pro-independence groups yesterday burns ghost money and military uniforms in front of the Taipei Military Police Station to protest against the military police’s search of a civilian’s house without a search warrant.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

Protesters yesterday rallied outside the Taipei Military Police Station over the military police’s controversial seizure of White Terror-era documents from the residence of a civilian surnamed Wei (魏), an action leaders said represented a “return to White Terror era authoritarianism.”


WHITE TERROR GHOSTS: Legislators slam actions of military police and ministry

New Power Party legislators, from third left, Freddy Lim, Hung Tzu-yung and Hsu Yung-ming, hold a news conference yesterday in Taipei regarding the alleged search of a private residence by military police without a warrant.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

Legislators from across party lines yesterday blasted the Taipei Military Police for confiscating White Terror era-related documents seized in a search of a civilian’s residence.

The Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee put aside its scheduled agenda to question officials over the affair, passed resolutions condemning the military police’s actions and demanded the preservation of all documents relating to the White Terror era.


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Kalsang Jinpa's charred body, draped in khatak (Tibetan scarves), is laid down below a portrait of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Dolma Square in front of the Rongwo MOnastery in Rebkong, eastern Tibet.

DHARAMSHALA, November 8: In more heartbreaking news coming out of Tibet, yet another Tibetan set himself on fire today in an apparent protest against China’s occupation of Tibet.

18-year-old nomad, Kalsang Jinpa, set himself on fire at the Dolma Square in front of the Rongwo Monastery in Rebkong, eastern Tibet. The former monk of the Rongwo Monastery raised a white banner with slogans calling for the Dalai Lama’s return and the rights of the Tibetan people before setting himself ablaze. He passed away in his fiery protest.