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Forum praises Tsai on China stance

Academics at a forum held by a pro-independence organization yesterday lauded President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) refusal to recognize the so-called “1992 consensus,” but took issue with the president’s seeming inability to break the shackles of the Republic of China’s (ROC) constitutional system.

The World United Formosans for Independence invited a dozen of academics to examine Tsai’s policies in the first three months of her presidency and share their thoughts on her government’s performance in terms of national status, transitional justice, cross-strait ties and other areas.


FSC commission to probe Mega Ban

Premier Lin Chuan (林全) yesterday instructed the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) to form an investigative committee from members of the central bank, and the ministries of justice and finance after the New York branch of Mega International Commercial Bank (兆豐銀行) was ordered to pay a massive fine for violating US money-laundering rules.

Lin said he hopes that the details of the case are clarified as soon as possible, and that any Mega International employees responsible for the situation are identified.


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The passage of two US guided missile destroyers through the Taiwan Strait on Saturday was not an isolated incident, but a signal of the expansion of the US’ military presence in the region, Institute for National Policy Research executive director Kuo Yu-jen (郭育仁) said yesterday.

US forces in Japan and Guam are to expand their reach to the south and west respectively, he said, adding that the US military is likely to normalize naval drills around Taiwan as a check on China.