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Taiwanese risk deportation to China

Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Yu Mei-nu, center, presides over a public hearing on cross-strait judicial mutual assistance and China’s judicial and human rights situation at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

The detention of Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong (黃之鋒) in Thailand raised concerns that Taiwanese who travel abroad could face deportation to China for advocating independence, civil campaigners said yesterday at a Legislative Yuan hearing.


Tsai refuses to stoop to China’s level

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has pledged that her administration would neither succumb to Chinese pressure nor lower its level of goodwill toward Beijing, urging Taiwan’s increasingly hostile neighbor to return to the calm and rationality it demonstrated for a short period after her inauguration.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal in Taipei on Tuesday, Tsai said her May 20 inaugural address — which China has described as an “incomplete test” — was an embodiment of her “maximum benevolence and flexibility.”


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The Washington Times is reporting that US intelligence agencies are on alert for unexpected Chinese military activities this weekend.

While there is no hint about the possible nature of such activities, they could be timed to coincide with the visit of White House National Security Adviser Thomas Donilon to Beijing.

According to the Washington Times, they could be part of the Chinese response to the US$5.8 billion arms package for Taiwan that was announced by the US last month.