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African allies say no to Chinese money

President Tsai Ing-wen meets Burkinabe Prime Minister Paul Kaba Thieba at the Presidential Office on May 22 last year.
Photo provided by the Presidential Office

The nation’s last two African allies have no plans to switch allegiances and break ties with Taipei, despite Beijing’s efforts to woo them, officials said.


TSU invites Rebiya Kadeer to visit Taiwan

Left to right, Japan Uyghur Association president Ilham Mahmut, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) Chairman Liu I-te and TSU social movements department director Chang Chao-lin display correspondence related to the party’s invitation to World Uyghur Congress president Rebiya Kadeer in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

World Uyghur Congress president Rebiya Kadeer has accepted an invitation from the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) to visit Taiwan at the end of March, which would be the activist’s first visit to the nation.

The visit, if approved, would see Kadeer hold talks with Taiwanese activists and politicians about human rights, self-determination and independence.


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Dai Lin, a member of the Northern Taiwan Anti-Curriculum Changes Alliance, holds up a black umbrella at his home in New Taipei City in an undated photograph to represent the government’s opaque “black box” changes to the high-school curriculum guidelines.
Photo taken from Lin Kuan-hua’s Facebook account

A student who had campaigned against the Ministry of Education’s controversial adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines was found dead yesterday in an apparent suicide at his family’s residence in New Taipei City.

Dai Lin (林冠華), a member of the Northern Taiwan Anti-Curriculum Changes Alliance, was found dead by emergency workers who were summoned by his mother after her son failed to respond to calls outside his bedroom, the New Taipei City Fire Department said. After police arrived and broke down the door, they saw Lin lying in bed with a pan of charcoal lighted on a nearby desk, in an apparent suicide.