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Taiwan to be briefed on Trump-Xi talks

This combination photograph shows US President Donald Trump, left, in Washington on Tuesday last week, and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Feb. 22 in Beijing.
Photo: AP

The US has agreed to brief Taiwan before and after US President Donald Trump’s meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) in Florida on Thursday and Friday, a national security official said yesterday.


China urged to release Lee Ming-che

At a news conference in Taipei yesterday, from second left, Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong, New Power Party Executive Chairman Huang Kuo-chang and former Sunflower movement leaders Lin Fei-fan and Chen Wei-ting demand that China immediately release Taiwanese human rights advocate Lee Ming-che.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Taiwanese and Hong Kong democracy activists yesterday called for the immediate release of human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲), who has been detained incommunicado in China for two weeks.


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Chang Kai-feng, Shih Tsuo-hsin and Deng Hsueh-jui, former senior officers under the command of late military commander Sun Li-jen, stand with Lo Kuang-hung and his brother, Lo Kuang-jen, sons of Sun’s former military photographer, right to left, at the unveiling on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County of a full-body wax likeness of Sun.
Photo: Lo Hsin-chen, Taipei Times

A full-body wax likeness of late military commander Sun Li-jen (孫立人) was unveiled on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County. It is the first wax statue of the celebrated commander to be made, curators said.