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Thousands rally over mining extension

Protesters form the outline of Taiwan during a march in Taipei yesterday against the extension of Asia Cement’s mining rights in Hualien County.
Photo courtesy of Citizens of the Earth, Taiwan

Thousands of protesters yesterday marched from the Executive Yuan to the Presidential Office Building in Taipei to back demands that the government terminate a controversial extension of Asia Cement Corp’s (亞泥) mining rights in Hualien County’s Sincheng Township (新城).


Tsai recommits to transitional justice

President Tsai Ing-wen yesterday addresses a forum on historical research at the Academia Historica in Taipei.
Photo: CNA

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday said that her administration would continue work to declassify old government records as part of its transitional justice efforts.


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From left, Hong Kong democracy activists Lester Shum, Eddie Chu and Joshua Wong visit the Democratic Progressive Party’s headquarters in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

Hong Kong democracy activists Joshua Wong (黃之鋒), Lester Shum (岑敖暉) and Eddie Chu (朱凱迪) yesterday called on Taiwanese to support the territory’s fight for greater democracy and autonomy by holding a rally before China’s National Day on Oct. 1.