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Rights advocates call for probe on electronic IDs

Taiwan Association for Human Rights secretary-general Chiu E-ling, center, and social activists hold a news conference at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday to urge the Control Yuan to investigate a government plan to issue electronic ID cards.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) and the Judicial Reform Foundation (JRF) yesterday called on the Control Yuan to investigate a government plan to start issuing national electronic identification cards (eID) next year, saying they constitute invasion of privacy.


Hundreds join NYC march for Taiwan

Taiwanese expatriates and others march in New York City on Saturday during the annual UN For Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free rally.
Photo: CNA

Hundreds of Taiwanese expatriates and others marched in the Manhattan borough of New York City on Saturday to call attention to Taiwan’s exclusion from the UN and Beijing’s efforts to further shrink the nation’s space in the international community.


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Opposition parties yesterday vowed to begin a “10-year resistance” against the government’s plan to sign an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, including organizing large-scale protests calling for a referendum on the controversial pact.

The Executive Yuan’s Referendum Review Committee on Thursday night voted 12-4 against an opposition-supported referendum proposal asking voters whether they agreed that the government should sign an ECFA with China. The committee said the question did not fall under what was allowed under the Referendum Act (公民投票法).