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Political Maneuvering: Kiribati severs diplomatic relations

The national flag of Kiribati, fifth right, is pictured yesterday alongside the Republic of China flag, right, and the flags of Taiwan’s other diplomatic allies in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

Taiwan yesterday lost a second diplomatic ally in a week after Kiribati decided to switch recognition to China.


COA imposes fines on pork from S Korea

Passengers go through a baggage checkpoint at Taipei International Airport (Songshan airport) yesterday as a precaution against the spread of African swine fever.
Photo: Chien Hui-ju, Taipei Times

With South Korea confirming an outbreak of African swine fever, the Council of Agriculture (COA) yesterday said that travelers caught bringing in pork products from that country would be fined a minimum of NT$200,000 (US$6,444).


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DHARAMSHALA, June 6: On the eve of presidents Barack Obama and Xi Jinping’s maiden presidential level summit, leaders of a US Congress commission have called on the Obama Administration to embark on a fresh and bold approach to improving conditions in Tibet.

The Congressmen made their remarks at a June 5 hearing on "Human rights in Tibet" summoned by the Congress' Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.