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HK in near shutdown after ‘dark day’

Hong Kong police chase down a couple wearing masks in Hong Kong’s Central district yesterday.
Photo: AFP

All subway and train services were suspended, lines formed at the cash machines of shuttered banks and shops were closed as Hong Kong dusted itself off yesterday and then started marching again after another night of rampaging violence decried as “a very dark day” by Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam (林鄭月娥).


Hong Kong bans face masks under old law

Demonstrators wear masks during a protest in the Central district of Hong Kong yesterday. Photo: Bloomberg

Hong Kong invoked emergency powers for the first time in more than half a century to ban face masks for protesters after months of unrest, prompting demonstrators to occupy downtown streets.


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Around 250 passengers aboard a northbound train on Taipei’s Wenshan-Neihu MRT line were evacuated yesterday after staff at Nanjing East Road station detected a burning odor coming from cars.

The incident occurred at 8:29am when the train was at Nanjing East Road station.