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Thousands mourn student as HK lawmakers arrested

People observe a moment of silence at a vigil for Alex Chow in Hong Kong yesterday. Photo: AP

Tens of thousands of Hong Kongers last night packed into a park to mourn a student who died during clashes last week as police arrested a group of pro-democracy lawmakers.


US says China ‘bullying’ neighbors

US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, left, listens as Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks at the East Asia Summit in Bangkok on Monday.
Photo: Reuters

The US on Monday accused China of intimidation in the South China Sea as it put forward its strongest language yet rejecting Beijing’s claims to the strategic, dispute-rife waters.


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Former American Institute in Taiwan chairman Richard Bush displays the Chinese version of his book on Sino-Japanese relations during a press conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times

Former US ambassador to the UN John Bolton called on Taiwan to renounce China’s “outlandish claims” to disputed territories in the East and South China Seas.

According to Bolton, now a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, China’s goal is to sow discord among its competitors by pitting Vietnam against the Philippines, isolating Japan and “neutralizing” Taiwan.