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Hong Kong police end 12-day siege on school campus

People attend a lunchtime flash mob rally in Hong Kong’s Cheung Sha Wan district yesterday.
Photo: AFP

Hong Kong police yesterday ended their blockade of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus after surrounding it for 12 days to try to arrest pro-democracy protesters holed up inside.


Chinese executives grilled for two hours

From left, China Innovation Investment Ltd acting director Kung Ching and her husband, executive director Xiang Xin, leave the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office after answering questions about espionage allegations.
Photo: Huang Chieh, Taipei Times

The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday said that it does not rule out the possibility of requesting evidence from the Australian Attorney-General’s Department to corroborate allegations made by self-confessed Chinese spy William Wang Liqiang (王立強).


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A nuclear-propelled US submarine has arrived in South Korea in the second deployment of a major US naval asset to the Korean Peninsula this month, South Korea’s military said yesterday, adding to the allies’ show of force to counter North Korean nuclear threats.

The USS Annapolis arrived at a port on Jeju Island about a week after the USS Kentucky docked at the mainland port of Busan.

The Kentucky was the first US nuclear-armed submarine to visit South Korea since the 1980s. North Korea reacted to its arrival by test-firing ballistic and cruise missiles in apparent demonstrations that it could make nuclear strikes against South Korea and deployed US naval vessels.