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One million march in Hong Kong

People take part in a pro-democracy march in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: AFP

More than 1 million people thronged Hong Kong’s streets for a New Year’s Day pro-democracy rally, organizers claimed, as protesters looked to carry their movement’s momentum into this year.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 January 2020 06:39 ) Read more...

Legislature passes Anti-infiltration Act

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday protest against the Anti-infiltration Act, while Democratic Progressive Party legislators hold signs instructing their colleagues to vote in favor of the bill.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) caucus, which has a majority in the Legislative Yuan, yesterday passed a third reading of the Anti-infiltration Act (反滲透法) to outlaw interference in elections on the instructions or with the funding of an “infiltration source.”

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 January 2020 06:39 ) Read more...

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Activists hold signs outside the Ministry of Education in Taipei yesterday as they protest the ministry’s alleged plans to “de-Taiwanize” high-school curriculums on Chinese literature and social sciences.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

Groups yesterday protested the Ministry of Education’s bid to “slightly adjust” the national high-school curriculum, calling the move part of a “brainwashing” policy that would see the new curriculum reflect a more China-oriented perspective.

Despite the groups’ opposition, the ministry later formally approved a new curriculum on Chinese literature and social sciences.