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China locks down cities to curb virus

A passenger stands after arriving at the nearly deserted train station in Wuhan, China, yesterday.
Photo: AFP

China yesterday locked down two major cities in a province at the center of a deadly coronavirus outbreak, banning airplanes and trains from leaving in an unprecedented move aimed at containing the disease, which has already spread to other countries.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 January 2020 06:29 ) Read more...

Police fire tear gas at crowded Hong Kong rally

Officers detain an injured man after police dispersed a crowd gathered for a “universal siege on communists” rally at Chater Garden in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: AFP

Clashes yesterday broke out between protesters and police in Hong Kong, cutting short a rally after thousands had gathered at a park on Hong Kong Island to call for electoral reforms and a boycott of the Chinese Communist Party.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 29 January 2020 06:33 ) Read more...

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President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) yesterday reiterated that the question of whether former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) should be released on medical parole is not a political issue, but a legal and medical one.

Granting Chen medical parole is not a political decision, but a special pardon is, he said, adding that anyone released on medical parole is actually free and can stay in a hospital or at home.