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TAIPEI Act waits for Trump’s signature

American Institute in Taiwan spokeswoman Amanda Mansour addresses US-Taiwan relations in a video clip released on Facebook on Tuesday.
Photo: Screen grab from American Institute in Taiwan’s video

The US Senate on Wednesday unanimously passed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act, designed to help Taiwan stabilize diplomatic ties, which awaits US President Donald Trump’s signature to take effect.


Book on 228 atrocities released

A copy of The Truth About the 228 Incident and Transitional Justice Reports is pictured at its launch at the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum yesterday.
Photo: CNA

A new book shedding light on the atrocities committed by the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) during the 228 Massacre was launched by the 228 Memorial Foundation yesterday


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Students stand in front of a statue of Chiang Kai-shek at Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School on Monday, holding signs calling for the statue and all others like it to be removed from campuses nationwide.
Photo taken from YouTube

A group of high-school students from across the nation has launched a campaign advocating the removal of statues of Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) from all campuses natiownide, announcing their initiative through a video released on Monday.

Taipei Chenggong High School (成功高中) started filming the clip and was later joined by various high schools, including Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School (建國中學), Taipei First Girls’ High School (北一女中), the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (師大附中), National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School (台南女中) and St Ignatius High School (徐匯中學).